10 years ago, I published a detective novel. Here are my thoughts about it a decade later
It's been 10 years since I published my book "Hugo e Elisa e a Fuga de Madame Hornick"—in English, "Hugo and Elisa and the Escape of Madame Hornick." It's written in Portuguese, which is my native language. It came out in the second week of December 2011.
"Hugo e Elisa" is a detective novel that I started writing at 11 years old and finished at 15. I remember how the process of writing this book felt natural to me.
...how do I mean?
What I mean is that the ideas somehow developed naturally; I just needed to discipline myself to sit down and write a little bit every day.
I did that back in July 2009, when I was on school vacation and had many thoughts running around my teenage head to pour out into words and pages.
Writing this story was a way of feeding those thoughts, that hope, and that passion that marked that chapter of my life.
As I wrote, I felt passion for the two main characters I'd created and all the story that unfolded around them. I guess everyone who gets to read this book can kind of feel that passion in my words. :)
Two years after sending out the book to several publishing companies in my country, I finally got a contract and had the story published in 2011.
10 years later... how does it feel now?
Honestly, I still can't believe it's been a decade since I published this story!
I've received some feedback on the book since then; it's fun to see the different ways the story was perceived by people. And though all are different, readers and writers somehow connect to each other through a common feeling called passion.
This is the word I'm using to describe the feeling I get when I write and readers get when they're looking for a new story to read or a new chapter to finish. Passion is this amazing bond between all of us and is what moves things along.
If you'd like to know more about the book or just show your support, follow the new page I created on Instagram: https://instagram.com/hugoeelisa
Thank you!
Ana Clara.