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Celebrate all the steps you have taken!

No matter how long the way ahead might look—it only exists because of how far you have come.


I want to start this post with a quick visualization exercise. Imagine yourself in the middle of a high road; you're not able to see where it ends nor where it starts.

Here's an image to help you visualize that:

What thoughts and emotions does it bring to you? Are you feeling comfortable at this point you are? Are you feeling curious to see what you might find ahead? Are you anxious? Are you feeling a mix of all these emotions?

As you visualize that high road, no matter how you're feeling right now: just know that your feelings are totally valid and understandable.

How could we expect anything different? We're in the middle of a freaking road! It's absolutely ok to feel varied emotions by imagining that!

But what I want to focus on with that quick exercise is: you can contemplate the road ahead of you as much as you can, but you should also remember there's a long path behind you, as well.

Just turn around and take a look at the path you've walked to get to this point you are now. Look how far you've already gone! If you hadn't gone that far, would you be able to look at the path ahead of you? No, because the road wouldn't even exist.

Each past step was necessary

We can perfectly use this as a metaphor for anything that happens in our personal or professional lives. The way ahead is new, intriguing, mysterious, and pushes us for new adventures; it only exists because of the way we've followed, though. Isn't it so damn worthy of appreciation?

Woman holding a blue heart-shaped balloon

We're so used to focusing on what has yet to be done that we forget a basic step in this process, which is looking at our previous achievements.

But you've got to be well aware of the facts: what you've already done matters. A lot.

And by what you've already done I mean anything. There's no small or big stuff, step, or stage here—every single thing matters!

All that has happened to you and all the choices you've made have built who you are today.

All the plans and dreams for the future are only possible because of the journey that has got you right where you are.

Thank the road behind you for the lessons and celebrate how far it has led you up to now!

We're so used to focusing on what has yet to be done that we forget a basic step in this process, which is looking at our previous achievements.

How to use this approach in our everyday lives

Want a simple tip to put this mindset into practice in your routine? Here's my recommendation—which has helped me a lot when I needed motivation in times of doubt.

At the end of each month, leave a space in your planner, notebook, note app, or calendar to write down all the tasks you've completed or things you've accomplished through the month. Like, anything—remember, there's no big or small accomplishment here!

Just as an example: I've taken notes in past months about appointments I'd gone to, simple tasks that I'd finished after postponing them forever, people I'd met/spoke with (yes, virtual chats absolutely count!), and things I had the chance to do in my spare time that helped relieve stress, like organizing my desk and getting rid of old, useless stuff.

Once you start writing down those things, they'll come up easier to you and you'll be surprised by how much you were able to experience regardless of how much you had doubted you would!

So next time you feel stressed or anxious about what still needs to be done, I do hope that you remember to cheer on yourself for your previous experiences, lessons, and checkmarks.

No road is taken if no mile is driven—and you know you've got this! #missionaccomplished

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Ana Clara.


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